ADVANCE Scholar Award Symposium 2025

award winner Natalia caporale on left and elva Diaz on right, with CAMPOS faculty director, Verónica Martínez-Cerdeño in middle

Event Date

Student Community Center, Multipurpose Room

The Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and the Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science (CAMPOS) are proud to announce Professor Mariel Vázquez, Ph.D. as the 2024 ADVANCE Scholar Award recipient.

This prestigious UC Davis award is given to mid-career and senior faculty at UC Davis who advance diverse perspectives and gender equity in STEMM through their teaching, research and service. In celebration, the ADVANCE symposium will feature the winner and two invited speakers. Mariel Vázquez will be presenting "Geometry and Topology of Nucleic Acids," Fernanda S. Valdovinos will talk on "Evaluating Responses of Ecological Networks to Environmental Change," and Joseph Teran will present "Computational Mechanics and Machine Learning." To learn more about the speakers and the event, visit the DEI event page.