Evolution and Ecology
What is biodiversity and how did it arise? How is it maintained in natural ecosystems? How do human activities affect the distribution and diversity of life on Earth? EVE studies organisms from mountain peaks to ocean floors.

Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
What is the molecular and structural unity of life? How do genes function to make up an organism? MMG explores how diversity is generated, and discovers how genetics and biochemistry inform the structures of life.

Molecular and Cellular Biology
What are the principles underlying biological organization? How do they vary from macromolecules to multicellular organisms? MCB discovers how organisms develop, grow, reproduce and negotiate their environments.

Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
What are the vital processes of growth, reproduction and response to stimuli? How are they common to all animals? NPB explores functional mechanisms and the control, regulation, behavior and integration of these mechanisms.

Plant Biology
How do plants function as organisms? How do they interact with natural and human-generated environments? PLB identifies and characterizes plant genes and investigates plant structure, function, development and response to various stressors.