Bruce Rannala

Bruce Rannala

Position Title

  • Evolution and Ecology
5339 Storer Hall

Research Interests

Research in the group focuses on mathematical, statistical and computational aspects of population genomics, phylogenetic inference, and bioinformatics. Topics of interest include statistical methods for Bayesian phylogenetic inference and species delimitation using genomic sequences. Topics of current research include algorithms and methods for identifying recent hybrids and migrant individuals, inferring phylogenetic trees in the presence of introgression and ongoing gene flow between populations and methods for estimating rates of introduction and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between countries and regions using genomic sequence data. A unifying theme of research in the group is the application of analytic theory and computer simulation to address questions of importance in evolutionary biology and human genetics.

Center Affiliations

Graduate Program Affiliations

Education and Degree(s)
  • 1989 B.Sc. in Zoology, University of British Columbia
  • 1991 M.Sc. in Zoology, University of Toronto
  • 1995 Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Yale University
