Su-Ju Lin

Su-Ju Lin

Position Title

  • Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
342 Briggs Hall

Research Interests

Research in my laboratory is currently focused on understanding the interaction between NAD+ homeostasis and calorie restriction (CR)-related nutrient sensing pathways, and their regulation in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The main goal of our research is to utilize the genetically tractable yeast S. cerevisiae to identify factors that regulate NAD+ homeostasis and longevity pathways. Understanding the mechanisms of these molecular processes in yeast may provide clues to the molecular basis of human aging and age-associated diseases.

Graduate Program Affiliations

Education and Degree(s)
  • 1991 B.A. in Public Health, National Taiwan University
  • 1997 Ph.D. in Toxicological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
  • 2003 Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Groth B, Venkatakrishnan P, Lin SJ. NAD+ Metabolism, Metabolic Stress, and Infection. Front Mol Biosci. 2021;8:686412.
  • Croft T, Venkatakrishnan P, James Theoga Raj C, Groth B, Cater T, Salemi MR, Phinney B, Lin SJ. N-terminal protein acetylation by NatB modulates the levels of Nmnats, the NAD+ biosynthetic enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem. 2020 May 22;295(21):7362-7375.
  • Croft T, Venkatakrishnan P, Lin SJ. NAD+ Metabolism and Regulation: Lessons From Yeast. Biomolecules. 2020 Feb 19;10(2).
  • James Theoga Raj C, Lin SJ. Cross-talk in NAD+ metabolism: insights from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curr Genet. 2019 Oct;65(5):1113-1119.
  • James Theoga Raj C, Croft T, Venkatakrishnan P, Groth B, Dhugga G, Cater T, Lin SJ. The copper-sensing transcription factor Mac1, the histone deacetylase Hst1, and nicotinic acid regulate de novo NAD+ biosynthesis in budding yeast. J Biol Chem. 2019 Apr 5;294(14):5562-5575.
  • Croft T, James Theoga Raj C, Salemi M, Phinney BS, Lin SJ. A functional link between NAD+ homeostasis and N-terminal protein acetylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem. 2018 Feb 23;293(8):2927-2938.
