Yale E. Goldman Adjunct Professor Molecular and Cellular Biology Pharmacology 610-529-8931 yegoldman@ucdavis.edu 3253 Green Hall
G.W. Gant Luxton Associate Adjunct Professor Molecular and Cellular Biology 530-754-6083 ggluxton@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 102H Briggs Hall
Marilyn Ramenofsky Adjunct Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on the physiological mechanisms of bird migration and behavior. 530 400 8945 mramenofs@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar 104 Animal Communications Lab
Grace Rosenquist Assistant Adjunct Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 530-752-4973 glrosen@ucdavis.edu 179 Briggs Hall