From the Dean: A Year of Opportunity
A bustling start to winter
My final note of last year also started with the weather, but what astonishing weather we’ve had here in Northern California. Those of you in our region have been experiencing the stupendous rain and wind, too. Our campus has seen many felled trees, and floods. But there’s plenty to be optimistic about.
Our labs, classrooms and common areas are full of student activity, and, despite the rain, there are bicycles on the paths again. Each quarter I’m thrilled to see our students return to their activities on campus. They really are a source of inspiration and motivation. So many of them are doing such great, remarkable work.
There’ve also been several significant updates from college faculty in the few weeks since December. From a notable award for one of our assistant professors, to new research on dragonflies and the role of a common herbicide in fertility, there’s been no shortage of research output. That’s nothing new, of course.
I'd also like to draw your attention to a pair of important upcoming events that recognize faculty who are no longer with us. The first is a symposium in honor of Simon Chan (1974-2012), an associate professor in the Department of Plant Biology, and the second is the first in a new series in honor of Martin Privalsky (1953-2020), a distinguished professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. I hope you will join me in celebration of their legacies of excellence.
Though we are just beginning the second half of our year, I know it will pass quickly. In the meantime, stay safe and enjoy the start of 2023.
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- This message appeared in the January 2023 edition of Biome, the CBS newsletter.