Campus & Community

From the Dean: A Year of Celebration

This really has been a year of celebration. With so many students and their families at commencement this weekend celebrating the great achievement of completing a college degree, it’s easy to feel the buzz of excitement in the warming air. Yes, there are definitely long days and nights, cramming for exams, and lengthy experiments in the lab, but when our students get to cross the commencement stage, it’s all worth it.

“Ultimate Broker” Carole Hom Retires After Decades of “Amazing” Mentorship

Longtime UC Davis academic coordinator Carole Hom, who retires this year after a quietly influential career, is so beloved that she has two nametags: one bearing her official title, and another with alternates—“Spiritual Leader” and “Chief Guru”—made for her by colleague Rick Grosberg, a distinguished professor emeritus of Evolution and Ecology. 

From the Dean: Bright, Sunny and Full of Life

May is a busy time of year here at UC Davis. Commencement is just around the corner, so our students are hard at work getting through midterms and preparing for finals and life after school. Many will go on to graduate programs, others will enter industry positions. All of them will have accomplished a great deal by the time they cross the commencement stage. You will be able to celebrate them with us next month when we share the names of our award recipients, many of whom are in the graduating class of 2024, on the college website.

UC Davis Genome Center Founding Director Richard Michelmore Steps Down

During his 20-year tenure as founding director of the UC Davis Genome Center, Richard Michelmore, a Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Plant Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Medical Microbiology and Immunology, recruited more than 20 faculty members, led the center to prominence as a hub of technology-driven biology, and made national headlines by implementing an innovative, community-scale saliva-based COVID test. Quite the legacy for someone who never wanted the job in the first place. 

From the Dean: Spring Has Sprung

The courtyard between Green Hall and Briggs Hall is sunny, and our trees are in full bloom. Spring is most definitely here.

And with it comes Picnic Day, the longstanding student-run UC Davis tradition, which is on Saturday, April 20. For those planning to attend, I hope you enjoy the fun and engaging activities across campus. From the parade to the doxie derby, there’s a lot to do and even more to see.

Bestselling Book Blends Science and Storytelling to Explain How Memory Shapes Our Lives

Charan Ranganath admits he can be forgetful. This is true of most people, but most people are not leading experts on the neuroscience of human memory.

“Everybody knows I have a terrible memory,” said Ranganath, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at UC Davis, “and yet I got a Ph.D. and I publish papers all the time. I'm totally functional, so maybe the expectations we have are just wrong.”