BUSP Eligibility and Application

BUSP Application Deadlines

Application Deadline

You must submit your application no later than 11:59pm on June 23, 2024 to be considered for the BUSP program in the 2024-2025 academic year. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances, so please be sure to complete your application in a timely manner.

Application Timeline
  • Early May: BUSP application available
  • June 23, 11:59pm: BUSP application submission deadline
  • Mid July at the latest (depending on the size of the applicant pool): admissions decisions made; students notified
  • July 31: Contracts due for admitted students

The BUSP Application window has closed.

BUSP Application Instructions

General Instructions and Eligibility
  • Please print these instructions or copy and paste these instructions into a word processing document for future reference. You can use these instructions when registering for classes during summer orientation!
  • We recommend that you compose your essays in a word processor and copy and paste.
  • Your application can be saved and revisited/updated until the application period closes. When you have finished the application, please check the box at the end to certify that your application is complete.
  • If you have completed the required courses for the IGETC Transfer Agreement, you are not eligible for BUSP.
  • Be sure to take the Math Placement Exam (instructions e-mailed to you from another department)! If your score on the Math Placement Exam is below 25, you are not eligible for BUSP.
  • You do not need to have taken the Chemistry Placement Exam to be eligible for BUSP (although we do highly recommend it).
Program Information

This application may be used by incoming first-year students to apply for the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP) only. 

Completing the Application

To successfully complete the BUSP application, you will need the following information:

  • Your UCD ID number;
  • Your UCD email address;
  • Your Entry Level Writing Requirement (satisfied/unsatisfied) information. You can find this information in your OASIS portal; or here. If you have not satisfied the ELWR, you can take introductory English at your local community college over the summer, receive credit for BOTH the ELWR and lower division English at UC Davis (if your community college course will transfer to UC Davis - check assist.org to make sure);
  • The title and grade of the last Math class you took, and the year you took it;
  • A list of your community college courses (if you have taken them) and grades;
  • What is your main motivation for pursuing a degree in science? Please describe what career you hope to have in the future, if you have a clear career goal at this time (it’s okay if you don’t have a clear goal right now!). Why are you interested in this career, or what interests you about pursuing a degree in science? Please include any alternate choices that you may have. (200 words or less);
  • What are your academic strengths? What are your academic challenges? (200 words or less);
  • What are your personal strengths? What are your personal challenges? (200 words or less);
  • Have you encountered any adversities on your educational pathway and if so, which steps, if any, have you taken to overcome these adversities? (200 words or less);
  • Do you anticipate any adversities on your academic pathway at UC Davis? (200 words or less);
  • Why do you want to participate in the BUSP program? How will your participation in the program contribute to achieving your career goals? (200 words or less);
  • How would your participation enhance the BUSP community? (200 words or less).
Academic Instructions 

So that you can be prepared if you are accepted into BUSP:

  • Please be aware that if you are admitted to BUSP and you are registered for CHE 1V, CHE 2A, CHE 2AH, BIO 1/2/3 or BIS 2ABC that you will be required to drop these courses and add the BUSP PreChemistry Intensive; you will also add a pre or co-Math course or courses. We will assist you with adjusting your courses to reflect the BUSP curriculum. Please be assured that this will not be a problem. BUSP students take a PreChemistry intensive in the fall quarter of their first year, followed by CHE 2A in the winter (2B in spring and so on). BUSP students take BIS 11 in their first year, and begin BIS 2A in the fall of their second year. You can find more information about the BUSP curriculum here.
  • If you are accepted into BUSP, you must apply for the Education Opportunities Program (EOP) (more info and application information available here). However, if you do not receive EOP status, you will not be disqualified from BUSP.
  • Another UCD department will contact you about Math and Chemistry placement exams. Please take at least the Math placement exam if you have not already done so.